Best Friend Quotes | Best Friend Status

Best friend quotes | Best Friend Status

Your best friend is your safest locker where all your secrets are kept.

It’s exciting when you find parts of yourself in someone else.

True friends are never apart, maybe in distance but never in heart.
Helen Keller

a friend someone who loves you

I value the friend who for me finds time on his calendar, but I cherish the friend who for me does not consult his calendar.
Robert Brault


One million memories, Thousand inside jokes, One hundred shared secrets, One reason, Best Friends.


vibing with your best friend

One loyal friend is worth ten thousand relatives.


Sometimes your best friends understands you better than you understand yourself.

favorite feeling is laughing with someone

I like you most because you are always there to join in my weirdness.

You find out who your real friends are when you’re involved in a scandal.
Elizabeth Taylor

dear bestie if i done any mistake

Sometimes being with your best friend is all the therapy you need.

It’s the friends you can call up at 4 a.m. that matter.
Marlene Dietrich

deep conversations with right people

Friendship isn’t about who you’ve known the longest. It’s about who walked into your life, said, “I’m here for you”, and proved it.


When I say won't tell anyone. My best friend doesn't count.


best friends like mirros and shadows

Life isn’t about having a thousand friends, it’s about finding the very few right ones you need.


Friends are like Angels who lift you up when your wings have forgotten how to fly.


We’ll be best friends forever because you already know too much.


Looking at your best friend and saying, I’ll do it if you do it.

In friendship, you never say thank you because it is your duty to help each other..


friends who do not have

No matter how SERIOUS life gets, you still gotta have that one person you can be completely stupid with.


Friendship is the only cement that will ever hold the world together.
Woodrow Wilson


some friendship stay without talking

When you meet your friend after a long time you will see people never change.


Best friends can turn a horrible day into one of the best days of your life.


Dear Best Friend just daily reminder that youre beautiful and i love you..

Surround yourself with a group of people who are filled with positivity, it will change your life.


I might give my life for my friend, but he had better not ask me to do up a parcel.


We survive the bad times together now we enjoy the good times together.


True friends are those who have all the solution to your problem.


I hope we’re friends until we die. And then I hope we stay ghost friends and walk through walls and scare the sh-t out of people.


The best gift you have in your life is honest and good friend.


Friends are always there to make you smile even in bad times..


My best friend is the only persons in the world who could stop me from crying.


Your best friend isn’t the person you call when you are in jail; most likely, she is sitting in the cell beside you.


In friendship, you will understand each other without speaking


When it hurts to look back and you're afraid to look ahead, you can look beside you and your best friend will be there.


A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out.


I think we’ll be friends forever because we’re too lazy to find new friends.


A True friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you…


Sometimes having coffee with your best friend is all the therapy you need.


Friends are always there for you in your bad times and help you in any situation.


People go to detective to solve their problems but I go to my best friend to solve my problem.


Best friends will stick to your life like glue and never leaves you behind no matter how worst the situation is.


Sharing past memories with your best friends will bring a smile to face and your heart is filled with happiness.

A real friend is like a map who will guide you in the right direction.


Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another, ‘What! You too? I thought I was the only one.
C.S. Lewis


You always share your pain with your friends because you know they will heal your pain.

Friends will always stand with you even if the whole world is against you.


True friends say good things behind your back and bad things to your face.


Your true friend is always there, not just for a day or two, but forever.


If I make the wrong decision in my life I know my friend is there to make it right.


Sometimes I feel if I have never met you, I had never understood how precious you are my friend.

Anything is possible when you have the right people there to support you.
Misty Copeland


A girl can survive without a boyfriend, but she can’t survive without a best friend.


We fight for 5 minutes..we laugh for 5 hours..because that’s what best friends do.


I have never imagined it was you with whom I made so many memories in my life, my best friend.

A best friend is like a four leaf clover, hard to find and lucky to have.

I don’t like to commit myself about heaven and hell you see, I have friends in both places.
